Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Moving Moments Among the Mundane

Usually I try to post when something interesting has happened, or I suffer from a deep thought I feel compelled to share.  But today was a rather mundane day and I thought I would share that as well (I promise, I won’t do this every day!). 

It was overcast and very muggy this morning.  I had to go the doctor’s office for lab work, so we left early as I had been fasting since midnight and was anxious to get it done and go to breakfast.  Since we were going to town, we ran errands—the bank, the pharmacy, Wal-mart, that sort of thing.  We had to visit three grocery stores to get the right objects in the right sizes—there is very limited kitchen storage space in our RV.  We also stopped at West Lake Park so I could get a shower in an air conditioned building and at the park office to pay up our site until Thursday.

Then home by 1 PM, putting the groceries and shower stuff and paperwork away took another 30 minutes, because it meant re-arranging both of my kitchen cabinets to make room for the new products. This also requires re-packaging the contents of packages—instant mashed potatoes go in storage bottles to protect against moisture and insects, for example.  Anything packaged in a big, bulky box gets transferred out of its box and into a Ziploc bag with a label—either on the outside, or by tearing off the instructions and placing them into the bag.  (Things like stuffing, soup, etc.).

Then I checked my email (no real news there), and now I’m going to play Facebook games until dinner time.

Dull, huh?  There were two small highlights—two things that made my spiritual ears perk up:  an NPR interview with Peter Gabriel about an inter-species Internet (!), and a book for sale at the library, Symbols of Transformation by C.G. Jung himself.  I also bought another book On Dreams and Death: A Jungian Interpretation, by Marie-Louise von Franz, Scott Peck’s The Road Less Traveled, Further Along the Road Less Traveled, and People of the Lie.  They were only a quarter each. I’d read Peck years and years ago, but I felt he was worth revisiting.

I’m really experiencing a deep and thoughtful pleasure reading Goddesses in Older Women:  Archetypes in Women Over Fifty, Becoming a Juicy Crone, by Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.  Her writing really stimulates the inner sense of archetypes and further awakens my deepest wisdom and understanding of the world, of spirit, of human nature. 

This morning at breakfast I was reading her archetype of Hecate and had a small personal breakthrough.  I think I mentioned Hecate in an earlier post, but the section on “Hecate as Feared Witch,” which describes the long European cultural tradition of torturing and murdering women, especially older women, as being witches.  This triggered latent fears—fears I have had all my life and which have served to keep me quiet and cooperative in my earlier years.  I have distinct past life memories of being accused and killed as a witch.  Bolen’s words triggered a realization within—is it possible, I thought, that I have subconsciously attracted poverty because of my experiences with witch burning?  After all, it was often prosperous women, women in possession of property, respect and knowledge, who were targeted.  The Church got very rich on the confiscated goods and lands of burned witches.  Perhaps, I need to reclaim that woman who was me so long ago.  It makes so much sense to me now:  my fear of authority, fear of imprisonment, fear of torture, fear of fire, fear of death.  Those times of terror and murder (over 500 years) have left a long legacy of karmic memories.  So, perhaps I will concentrate in my meditations in the coming weeks on recovering the details, remembering the fear and facing it—reclaiming the power of the lessons learned.

If anyone who reads this blog has read this book, I would welcome comments and if you had any personal experiences of enlightenment while reading it. 

Now, I’m off to play Ruby Blast…

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